Mommies Corner

Become An ELCA Member

Why Become an ELCA Member

Worldwide Recognition

ELCA is a worldwide recognized official body for lactation consultants in Egypt.

Take part in Activities

ELCA Members have the opportunity to be a part of ELCA sponsored activities, services and events both nationally and internationally.

Stay up to date

We will bring to your fingertips the most UpToDate, evidence based knowledge and practices to help you keeping track with the exponentially expanding body of knowledge in lactation medicine field and other related specialties

Join the community

ELCA members form a unique community sharing knowledge, expertise and time for they are entirely devoted to their vision.

Special privileges

ELCA members enjoy wide range of ELCA sponsored and partnered services with special privileges and opportunities as regards rates and prioritization.

Apply to ELCA Membership

Prerequisites for ELCA membership:

  1. Egyptian nationality.
  2. Graduate of Faculty of medicine (Physician).
  3. International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)