Mommies Corner


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THE EGYPTIAN LACTATION CONSULTANT ASSOCIATION (ELCA) was announced in July 2004 as an official body embracing the vision and work of the Egyptian health workers in the field of maternal and child health who are: International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs). The founders of ELCA, found it was an obligation- or rather a mission on earth to be fulfilled through their blessed lucid minds and caring souls. Since its foundation, ELCA Through its board and members, expressed great devotion, enthusiasm and harbored scientific, social , and academic minds and souls to fulfil the mission sparing no time, effort or experience and offering hands and minds whenever and wherever needed. 

A lactation consultant is a health professional who specializes in the clinical management of breastfeeding. The International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners certifies lactation consultants who meet its criteria and have passed its exam.

International Board Certified Lactation Consultants are health care professionals who possess the highest international credential in the field of lactation management. ELCA is providing in this directory a list of its IBCLC members’ physician offices who provide their clinical lactation management services as part of its professional and social responsibilities towards its members as well as the community.

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