Mommies Corner

Want to be Added to Our Directory

Hospital or Center or Institute


    Facility Name (English):

    :اسم المؤسسة او المستشفى (اللغة العربية)

    Facility Type:

    :(في حالة المستشفيات او المراكز الخاصة يكتب خاصة) المستشفى تابعة لأي هيئة

    Detailed Facility Address (English):

    :العنوان التفصيلي (اللغة العربية)

    Please Attach Location:

    Phone Number:

    Any additional INFO you would like to add:


    Clinic Name (English):

    :اسم العيادة (اللغة العربية)

    Working days:

    Working hours:

    Phone Number:

    Number of all practicing physicians in the clinic:

    Number of IBCLCs:

    Any additional INFO you would like to add:


    Name (English):

    :الاسم باللغة العربية

    Email Address:

    Personal Phone Number:

    National ID Number:

    I am an IBCLC from:

    IBCLC ID Card Number:

    Position of the contact person in the submitted Clinic:

    Main Medical Specialty:

    Titles(Certificates & Affliations):

    Terms and Conditions Click Here

    Why Do you need to be listed in ELCA's Directory?

    To GAIN

    Add your INFO